British craft Beers launched by Aldi


Craft Beers in Aldi stores in UK

The German supermarket chain Aldi has invested 600,000 Pound Sterling in launching craft Beers made in Britain. Ales and Craft Beers have been the tradition in Britain, but no one has gone to these lengths to launch craft beer. When Aldi launches craft beers local to Britain beginning June 2016, it would mean bringing new tastes to people across Britain in craft beer. The revolution of promoting breweries which started in 2002 seems to have touched its high point. Thirteen breweries across Britain have already signed up to the deal with Aldi. One of the brewery’s owners said that the deal with Aldi will help them reach a much larger audience, and also help upscale their business. The uniform price of 1.25 pounds for a pint of beer is going to take the liquor market by storm. The biggest question is will the youth flock to Aldi for beer at a reduced price or still try their luck at beer bars which sell beer at escalated prices but have the entertainment to support it. Only time will tell.